Library of knowledge

How many times have you tried to find information on the Internet to help you make the right business decision and you couldn’t find it?

To help you, on this page we have systematized the educational material created over the last 5 years from different areas of agriculture and categorized it for easier searching.

Access to all presentations, publications, studies and other educational material is open. You can learn more about topics that interest you and download the content for free. Our goal is to enable you to make better business decisions or learn something new that will improve your business. Applying the advice you find in the materials on this site is a form of free education.

All materials are in Serbian language.

Climate change

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Intensive production of berries

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Intensive production of vegetables

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Intensive production of fruit (apple and stone)

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Storage of produce after harvest

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Viticulture and winemaking

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Financing, economy and logistics 

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Marketing and sales

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Publications and studies

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Educational video materials

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