Project: Professional courses for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector – Strengthening thecapacity of local SMEs to improve their access to regional and external markets

Professional courses for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector – Strengthening the capacity of local SMEs to improve their access to regional and external markets

AgroNET is proud to announce that it has started the implementation of the regional project: Professional courses for companies in the fruit and vegetable sector – Strengthening the capacity of local SMEs to improve their access to regional and external markets , which is being implemented with the support of USAID EDGE’s project .The main objective of the project is to build the capacities of professionals and entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector by offering sustainable, innovative courses that can quickly help participants enhance their skills and knowledge to support their companies in key areas where the industry lacks capacities, and improve the productivity and profitability of SMEs. The long-term outcome of this proposed project is to build a professional workforce equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills that will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of companies in the domestic and international markets. The specialized knowledge that will be transferred to companies belongs to the field of green economy and digitization. Special emphasis is placed on climate change – practical solutions for companies. The project will improve the knowledge transfer system, increase capacities and connect companies from North Macedonia and

AgroNET’s partners in the realization of this project are:

  • Digital2web, Belgrade, Serbia;
  • Gruža Agrar ltd, Serbia;
  • University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Agricultural and Food, Skopje, NorthMacedonia

Among the numerous beneficiaries of the results of this project, we would like to highlight:

From Serbia:

  • Cooperative Union of Serbia – Serbia’s national association of farming co-operatives
  • Asscoation of fruit and vegetable processors;
  • Agricultural cooperative “Mladi paori” (“Young farmers”);
  • Union of Associations of Agricultural Producers of Western Serbia.

From North Macedonia:

  • NFF – National Federation of Farmers;
  • MAP – Macedonian Association of Processors.