The aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of high school students from agricultural schools in the field of sustainable development through thematic workshops, practical teaching examples, and networking with the academic community.
In line with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, which includes 17 goals and 169 sub-goals of sustainable development, the project will lay the foundations for knowledge transfer in areas that encompass specific goals and sub-goals of sustainable development. The project will be implemented in the territories of Srem, Mačva, and Kolubara districts in Serbia. It will involve vocational high schools specializing in agriculture in Ruma, Irig, Sremska Mitrovica, and Šid (Srem district), Šabac and Koceljeva (Mačva district), and Valjevo (Kolubara district). The program involves educating students from various agricultural fields in the mentioned cities who have a need for additional education in the field of education for sustainable development.
According to statistical data, around 40.6% of the population in Serbia lives in rural areas, often with an unfavorable educational structure. The youth are leaving the countryside and agriculture, making it necessary to provide them with additional education. Students from agricultural schools are important links who can implement acquired knowledge into production and transfer that knowledge to others from different social strata.
The growing global population and global climate change require continuous research and discoveries that ensure the production of safe food under conditions of limited natural resources such as land and water. Agriculture is one of the most significant economic sectors and needs to be popularized among young people. Therefore, the goal of the proposed project is to promote agriculture and educate students, teachers, and parents of agricultural school students. The project’s focus is on how to adapt to climate change with the aim of producing safe food while respecting the basic principles of sustainable development.
The affirmation of agricultural education and professional development of future young farmers, as well as their motivation to improve and adopt new solutions, is crucial for safe and competitive agricultural production.
The direct target group of the planned activities within this project is 400 students from high schools and vocational schools in Srem, Mačva, and Kolubara districts that have departments specializing in agriculture. The project plans to provide educational seminars and workshops in at least 3 high schools, where participants will be introduced to and provided with significant information and methods to enhance sustainable development and overcome primarily the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture.
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