Creating Professional Certification Courses for the Needs of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry

Creating Professional Certification Courses for the Needs of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry
Thanks to the support of the USAID Competitiveness Project, a project called “Creating Professional Certification Courses for the Needs of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry” has been designed, with implementation entrusted to the “AgroNET – Center for Education and Research”.
The project is being carried out in collaboration with the University of California (UC) – Davis “Postharvest Technology Center” (USA).
The project aims to assist companies that often face challenges in meeting requirements due to rapid market changes and technological advancements in the food industry. The short courses will be based on best practices from the United States, covering topics such as export and trade, new technologies, and modern business practices, all tailored to the industry’s actual needs.
The project activities aim to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the food processing sector, specifically those involved in fruit and vegetable processing industries, to enhance their capacities in order to leverage the best options available to them and gain direct access to a premier network and vibrant community of fruit and vegetable processing industry. Additionally, other participants in the value chain of the fruit and vegetable sector will be involved in the project.
The project’s focus is on fruit and vegetables, as there is a constant demand for these products in foreign markets. Improving the knowledge and acquiring additional modern skills by employees and other stakeholders in the business would significantly contribute to increasing their efficiency and productivity, making companies in these sectors more competitive in the domestic and global markets.
The target groups include managers, employees in various departments within the companies, representatives of associations and chambers of commerce, as well as individuals directly or indirectly involved in the agri-food sector.
The project will be implemented from March 2019 to December 2019.
The main activities to be carried out include:
- Development of a survey questionnaire in collaboration with the UC Davis Postharvest Center.
- Industry research.
- Assessment of the current situation in the food processing sector in Serbia.
- Field visits together with the UC Davis Postharvest Center team.
- Presentation of a joint course by the UC Davis Postharvest Center and AgroNet.
- Finalization of course preparation activities.
- Study visit to the UC Davis Postharvest Center: Learning through hands-on experience at UC Davis.
- Finalization, promotion, and implementation of a pilot course in Serbia.
Thanks to the support of the USAID Competitiveness Project, in collaboration with the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture and the UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center, USA, AgroNET – Center for Education and Research is organizing the first specialized course tailored to the needs of the production and processing industry of fruits and vegetables. The course, titled “Modern Technologies for Postharvest Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables,” will be held from December 2nd to December 7th, 2019.
The course consists of two parts.
The theoretical-practical part will take place at the Science and Technology Park in Belgrade from December 2nd to December 5th, 2019. It will provide participants with the latest knowledge in the preservation of quality, ripening and decay processes of fresh horticultural products, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), and postharvest handling systems. Participants will become familiar with technologies for storing, packaging, and handling fresh fruits and vegetables. They will also gain knowledge about the importance of food safety, standards and regulations, hygienic design, as well as contemporary marketing management practices. During the course, participants will have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge through practical exercises.
The second part of the course consists of industry visits scheduled for December 6th and December 7th, 2019, during which participants will be shown various operations and handling technologies for fruits and vegetables after harvest. The planned locations for the visits include packaging warehouses, refrigeration and storage systems, and distribution centers at different locations in Serbia.
The course instructors include professors from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture, company managers, and leading experts in their fields, with extensive experience and participation in successful projects in this area.
This specialized course represents an innovation in knowledge transfer in Serbia and will enable participants to directly apply the knowledge in their business.
The certificate of course attendance will be jointly issued by AgroNET, UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center, and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture.
The number of course participants is limited to 40.
The deadline for applications is October 25th, 2019.
To apply and obtain additional information, you can contact us via email at or, or by phone at 062/871-6958 or 069/344-9949.