The course will be held from May 10th to May 12th, 2023, in Prokuplje.

AgroNET – Center for Education and Research, in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, has created a specialized course “Vegetable Production – Modern Approach, Challenges, and Responses” in response to the expressed needs of vegetable producers. The course will take place from May 10th to May 12th, 2023, at Hotel Hammeum in Prokuplje (

The course is designed for participants engaged in commercial vegetable production.

The course instructors will include Dr. Đorđe Moravčević, a full professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture, and experts from companies with proven results and extensive practical experience.

Through interactive lectures, exercises, practical examples, and organized visits to production facilities, participants will acquire contemporary knowledge and innovative approaches. The challenges of climate change are an essential topic that will be addressed during the lectures, highlighting the challenges posed by climate change and the modern solutions applied in production to mitigate its negative effects.

The first day of the course will begin with networking, allowing participants to introduce themselves, present the companies they represent, and establish connections. The lecture topics for the first day are designed to emphasize the importance of high-quality seedlings as a condition for profitable production. The impact of biofortification on obtaining higher quality and healthier vegetables will also be discussed. The theme of achieving better and more profitable production through proper plant nutrition will be covered in two lectures, interspersed with a practical exercise on plant nutrition control. The first day of the course will conclude with a discussion involving all lecturers and participants.

The second day of the course will cover topics such as monitoring and biological control of diseases and pests in protected environments, the presentation of next-generation biostimulants and their influence on fruits, and integrated disease and pest control in vegetable production. The first half of the second day will conclude with a presentation on alternative vegetable crops – crops not commonly grown in the Western Balkan countries, providing participants with insights into the possibilities for their cultivation. Subsequently, participants will be introduced to direct-seeding pepper production, followed by a presentation on new/old challenges in vegetable production and sales. The final lecture will focus on analyzing the commercial effects of innovative solutions. The second day will conclude with a roundtable discussion, providing participants with an opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences with both each other and the lecturers.

The third day of the course is dedicated to visiting two intensive vegetable production facilities that utilize modern technologies.

Thanks to the support of the USAID EDGE project, which contributed to the development of the course program based on research conducted on participants’ needs, the course offers a discounted price for attendees.

Option 1 – The course fee for the entire program is 9,500.00 dinars, which includes course materials, certification, and meals (lunch, coffee breaks, refreshments) for all three days. Participants are responsible for covering their travel, accommodation, and personal expenses during the course.

Option 2 – Participants who are only interested in attending part of the course can choose to pay a fee of 5,000.00 dinars for the specific day they select. This fee includes course materials, certification, and meals (lunch, coffee breaks, refreshments). Participants are responsible for covering their travel, accommodation, and personal expenses during that period.

For course participants who wish to stay at Hotel Hammeum in Prokuplje, a preferential accommodation rate has been arranged. When making a reservation, please indicate that you are a participant of the course organized by AgroNET.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

Priority in registration and a guaranteed spot in the course will be given to participants who register first and make the necessary payment – course fee.

To register, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Company
  • Position in the company
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Note indicating the chosen registration option

Alternatively, you can fill out the registration form by clicking on the LINK.

The course fee should be paid to: AgroNET – Center for Education and Research Address: Nemanjina 6, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia Tax ID (PIB): 111121580 Account number: 160-0000000534461-06 Bank: Banca Intesa.

The deadline for registration (payment of the course fee) is May 8th, 2023.

The course agenda will be sent to participants three days before the start of the course.

For more information, please contact us via email at or by phone at +381631064065.

We look forward to your participation!